Thursday, May 26, 2011

Putting Your Mouth Where The Money Is...

Putting Your Mouth Where The Money Is!

I am sure you have heard the phrase … “Put your money where your mouth is” …Well I would like to turn that around in hopes it will help you to boost your relationship based referrals.

Putting your mouth where “the money is” pertains to your ability to grow relationships in an effective way which will lead to income producing referrals. I often see associates who have built great relationships but have reluctance and sometimes a downright fear of asking for referrals.

This is a hard thing for a Coach to understand…but an easy challenge to overcome.

If the individual already knows, likes, and trusts you, and also sees you as a professional in the industry,   they usually will be very willing to help you grow your business ... and I am certain they would not view it as an imposition …IF you use the correct dialogue.

SUCH AS: “John, you and I have known each other for a while, and you know I am a REALTOR ... I need to ask a favor of you. I have found the most effective way to grow my business is working by referral, where friends and associates like yourself refer business to me knowing the referee will be well taken care of during and after the transaction…With that in mind…If you knew of someone who was thinking of buying or selling real estate, who would you refer them to? ….Thanks for having confidence in me…Who do you know who is currently thinking of buying or selling and could use my professional assistance?”

See how easy that is? The money is in referrals…The dialogue is in your mouth…so starting today… put your mouth where the money is and start watching the referrals fill your pipeline.

Eddie Brown ©2011

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