Monday, July 2, 2012

Has Opportunity Stopped Knocking?

Milton Berle was once over-heard saying…
”If opportunity isn’t knocking…build a door”!

Milton Berle self admittedly was not the funniest guy in show business, but he was one of the hardest working. Mr. Berle started his show business career competing in Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests in 1913. Berle lived to be 93 and spent 82 of those years as a showman. Surrounding himself with the likes of the “Rat-Pack”, Bob Hope, Jack Benny and George Burns he honed out a career that made him a millionaire many times over.

Over the past few years opportunity stopped knocking on the door of many REALTOR’s…thankfully over the past few months, opportunity has returned for those who hung in and continued to stay in touch with their Book of Business “BoB”.

But what if you haven’t stayed in contact with your BoB as consistently as you should have, and maybe your “door” has become a little weather beaten and worn… (not from the pounding of clients, but from inattention)… Is it time to refurbish your door? Or maybe even build a completely new one? If this sounds familiar please read on……

If you haven’t noticed the market is not the same market it was in 2005, and it certainly won’t be the same in 2019 as it is today. Take a long hard look at your “door”… is it still attractive to your clients? Is it a door appealing enough to compel them to approach, knock, and ask for help with their real estate needs?

If it is time to rebuild your business door start by looking at your business plan. Remember…it’s that thing you were supposed to write down and review every two months?? Make sure your plan has not grown stale, out of date, and out-of-touch with your database. Look at your marketing and prospecting methods, are they fresh or are you still sending the same tired old stuff you have sent for the past 10 years? It may be time for an extreme make-over!

If your business plan needs a make-over, it’s not going to morph into a new and better plan without you first taking action. Here are 4 action steps to get you started:

#1 Realize and admit your old plan is no longer working effectively or efficiently

#2 Seek advice of a coach or mentor… seek their help to help determine whether you can remodel your old door or if you need to build a completely new one

#3 Get a system and stick to it. Your “new door” may require you to step outside of what has become comfortable for you and try new things. Just "because it worked in 2005"... is not a plan for success for 2012 and beyond.

#4 Devise a system which will hold you accountable and keep you on track. Accountability partners or a coach will be your best bet; most people can’t hold themselves accountable for long periods of time. Consistency is the game changer here…When in doubt…Just do something…Anything!

So whether your door just needs a light sanding and a coat of paint… or if a rebuild is the only cure…There is no time like now to start making the assessment to determine what lies ahead for your real estate business.

To learn more about 1-on-1 coaching contact:
Eddie Brown

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