Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are Your Clients Unhappy With You?

You May Not Even Realize They Are!

In the newly released 2013 California Home Buyer Survey Report, they touched upon a source of discontent today’s buyers have with their agents – communication.

Three out of the top five reasons of dissatisfaction with an agent, all have to do with communication. Speed of communication, ineffective communication, and method of communication top the charts at one, two, and three respectively.
#1: Slow or no response
#2: Ineffective/inefficient communication
#3: Adverse communication methods
#4: Weak negotiation skills
#5: Inability to understand needs

I am sure some of you may be surprised by these findings! In today’s world where everything in our clients’ lives revolves around instant satisfaction, it shouldn’t be too surprising. They acquire instant news through social media and News aPPS on their Smart Phones, instant cash through direct deposits and ATM withdrawals, instant coffee, overnight UPS, on-demand programming, and the list is endless.
As an agent, it is impossible to be available 24/7 to each of your clients, but it is possible to provide pertinent information quickly to them through the use of technology to give automated responses and then notify your smart phone of any incoming messages.

The chart below came from the CAR survey…it shows the preferred methods of communication being email and text at 79% combined... This was taken from the 25-34 year old age range….this group made up 49% of home purchases for 2012. Don't lose 49% of your business!

Always ask your client which method they prefer so you can communicate at their level!

Eddie Brown 2013

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