Easy Steps to Ignite Your Business
There are two types of
motivation, Internal and External. Internal motivation comes from deep within…some
say it is a burning desire. Or think of it as a fire or ravenous hunger which a
few special people always have burning inside them which drives them to be
better than they were yesterday.
External motivation is very
different, it could be you have bills to pay, mouths to feed, or the wolves are
pounding on the door so loudly you will do anything to make it stop. Unlike
Internal motivation…External motivation quickly fades after the immediate need
has been met…
Think about the circle of life
of a Gazelle and a Lion. The Lion runs because he has an internal desire for a
successful hunt while the Gazelle runs because he is being chased by the Lion. When
the Lion stops running so do the Gazelle.
Below are 5 simple steps to
become the Lion…but like the old tale goes…”Whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle,
when the sun comes up…start running!”
Establish Goals with a written
business plan…What is written in 70% more likely to be achieved. Discover your
why…What moves or drives you?
Narrow your focus…don’t try to
do everything at once. Pick 2-3 platforms for driving your business and then “test”
them to see which ones work and which ones don’t. Once you have established
which types of marketing work for you proceed to step 3.
Develop a plan using the market
tested ways you want to use to grow your business. Create a list of “items of
value”, you can send to clients both electronically and via snail-mail with
hand written notes attached. Become the trusted advisor to your Book of
Business (B.o.B.) and demonstrate you care about their needs.
Develop a system to maintain
regular contact with your B.o.B. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive.
Top Producer or Realty Juggler are great electronic choices, but even an old
4x5 card file system is better than no system. Know what (and when) you have
sent and said to your B.o.B. is important to your long term success. This leads
us to the last step…
FIVE: Track and Measure Your Success…
If you don’t know where you
have been... how do you know where you are headed? It is impossible to improve on
what you don’t measure. Take some time each week to look over your activities,the
results and hold yourself accountable. If you can’t hold yourself
accountable… get someone to do it for you… team up with another associate to
become accountability partners…or better yet, get a trained coach who can assist
you with growing your business and holding you accountable for your daily
business activities.
Final thoughts: If your real
estate business is not where you want it to be…who is to blame…Is it someone
else?... Is it the market?....Or, is it you? The first step to growing is to
discover your “truths”. Be honest with yourself and lay it all out on the table…
Growth requires change…and change is sometimes hard.
As Rifiki from the Lion King
said “Ahhh, Change is Good”…“ The past can hurt...but the way I see it is… you
can either run from it…or learn from it!”
Test the market and learn from
your mistakes, track your successes and keep systems in place and watch your
business soar!
Hakuna Matata !