Wednesday, June 14, 2017

How To Cope With A GAP in Production and Income...

Everyone from time to time faces a GAP in your business

GAP = General Absence of Production

The key to closing the GAP is to quickly recognize and correct the root cause of your GAP. 

Things to look for:

  • Personal Distractions: Sickness, Fitness, Relationships, Children, Finances, etc.
  • Multiple transactions in process at the same time and you’ve stopped daily prospecting: Your daily focus must become and remain on looking for buyers ready to buy and sellers ready to sell.
  • You have stopped using systems to help manage your database: A CRM database management platform, when used properly and consistently, will not allow your prospects to fall through the cracks. It will also retain front of mind awareness for your A and A+ referral sources.
  • Your attitude has gone sour: Keep check on your attitude once it goes south so follows your production and income. You may have lost some good habits and picked up a few bad ones.


  • Separate personal and business issues: Leave your home worries at home... or your work suffers only exasperating issues like finance and relationship stress.
  • Manage your Time wisely and always schedule time to prospect first: Time block out a minimum of 1 hour, 5 days per week, to look for new business.
  • Be productive... not just busy: Discovering where you are wasting time, and on what... and who are the energy vampires in your life?
  • Refresh your CRM with new Items of Value and action plans: This will give you a fresh outlook on prospecting. Data check all your contacts to make certain you have good information on everyone in your Book of Business (B.o.B.)
  • Take time off to recharge... and then come back with a vengeance: A good rule of thumb is for every 40 hours you work shut it off at least 24. Relax and do something you enjoy. Put a message on your email and phone you will be returning all calls the next day... have a buddy agent available to handle emergencies and you do the same for them when they are drinking a cold one.

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