Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are You Social "Not-Working"?

There was a Commentary in the Feb 2013 issue of REALTOR Magazine written by Jeff Turner which spurred the content of this blog. Mr. Turner wrote “social media is more of a distraction than a business tool for many real estate professionals.”

I personally have never been a big fan of FACEBOOK due to the hours of time I see many of our associate waste “faux-networking”.  I also have never understood why someone would want all your contacts to know every intimate detail of your life…when you went on vacation, where you are eating dinner at this very moment, or a non-flattering drunken picture covertly taken at a party and posted and tagged with your name. Oh sure you can demand it be taken down… but it’s too late… the damage to your personal and business reputation has been emblazoned in the minds of all your contacts who checked their Facebook page early on. Another unintended consequence many don’t think about…(here comes the former Cop in me) … what happens when you post a status update saying you are going to the beach this weekend…and the wrong individual sees it… may be an open invitation for a visit from the boogey man.  

Social Media for the most part is driven by emotions and how we feel when someone comments on a photo we post or a comment we make…or the elation of being “liked”! We feel good when something we tweet is re-posted or we get recommended on Linked-In. Believe me when I say… those who sell social media products know this and use it to their advantage. They have become experts in the “Art of Social Seduction”.

Every new social media tool introduced is done so with an air of urgency and we are seduced by the emotional responses to share our private lives socially…on line for the world to see. And since we are in a relationship business, it is easy to see how REALTORS are lured into the next greatest social media “thingy”. We fear missing out on this new tool will cause us to lose business to our competition, because they are networking with our prospects and we aren’t. The facts show this simply is not true…and this emotional response is like rocket fuel to the sellers of social media.

The truth is social media sites work best in conjunction with a solid system of managing your Book of Business, (BoB)©, and personal networking within that said Book of Business. Using Social Media as a support tool within your overall market plan is good…using social media as your total marketing plan is not so good….in fact it is often a recipe for failure in our industry. Don’t get me wrong…I am not bashing Social Media…my point is Social Media has to be integrated into your overall business plan for you to get the highest impact on your Book of Business.

The basic foundation of relationship building has not changed over the past 100 years…(A foundation poured long before Al Gore invented the internet and social media was born).  Building quality, trust based, relationships will always require time and effort… Remember: There is no way to “like” yourself into a trusting relationship.

Thomas Edison said… “Opportunity is missed by many because it often comes dressed in overalls and looks a whole lot like hard work” … and it still holds true today. Any relationship worth having requires attention and care to be nurtured into a vehicle to help you grow your business…or help you better enjoy your life!

Don’t be lured into social “not-working” by emotional triggers or a shiny new social media tool. As you are exposed to the next new social media product ask yourself: Can I use this in my business plan right now without it taking me off track, or would I have to change my business model to adapt it into my marketing plan, (this is all assuming you have a written business and interrelated marketing plan) J.  Good Luck and Keep Prospecting!

Eddie Brown 2013

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